Lloyd L. Lee, Ph.D.
Professor & Department Chair
Native American Studies

- Email:
- triplel@unm.edu
- Phone:
- 505 277-3927
- Office:
- Mesa Vista Hall Room 3066, Office Hours: Thursday 10am - 12pm or by appointment
- Education:
- PhD
- Curriculum vitae
Research Interests:
- American Indian Identity
- Masculinities
- Leadership
- Philosophies
- Native Nation/Community Building
Lloyd L. Lee, Ph.D. is an enrolled citizen of the Navajo Nation. He is Kinyaa’áanii (Towering House), born for Tł‘ááshchí’í (Red Cheeks). His maternal grandfather’s clan is ‘Áshįįhi (Salt) and his paternal grandfather’s clan is Tábąąhá (Water’s Edge).
He is Professor of Native American Studies, Director of the Center for Regional Studies (CRS), and editor of the Wicazo Sa Review journal.
He is the author of Diné Identity in a 21st Century World (2020), Diné Masculinities: Conceptualizations and Reflections (2013), co-author of Native Americans and the University of New Mexico (2017), edited Nihikéyah: Navajo Homeland (2023), Navajo Sovereignty: Understandings and Visions of the Diné People (2017), and Diné Perspectives: Reclaiming and Revitalizing Navajo Thought (2014), and co-edited The Yazzie Case: Building a Public Education System for Our Indigenous Future (2023) with Wendy S. Greyeyes and Glenabah Martinez. His research focuses on Indigenous identity, masculinities, leadership, philosophies, and Native Nation building/Indigenous community building.
Books link: https://sites.google.com/site/lloydleebooks/