About Us
Chair's Message
Welcome to the Native American Studies Department!
On behalf of the faculty, staff, and students in Native American Studies (NAS), we are excited to welcome you to our community. NAS is housed in the College of Arts & Sciences at the University New Mexico. Our degree programs include a minor degree, a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree, a 2nd Major B.A. degree option, an Accelerated Online B.A. degree option, a B.A. to M.A. Shared Credit degree option, a Master of Arts (M.A.) degree, and a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree.
Our mission is to honor Indigenous experiences, strengthen Native Nations, and help build sustainable Indigenous communities through academic excellence. Our undergraduate and graduate courses provide opportunities for students to fulfill our mission, make significant contributions to Indigenous communities, and build committed relations with those communities.
You can connect with us by visiting NAS on the UNM campus in 3080 Mesa Vista Hall, calling (505) 277-3917, or on Facebook, Instagram, and X (formerly Twitter) @NATVUNM.
Lloyd L. Lee, Ph.D. (Diné)
Chair and Professor of Native American Studies
Click here to view Tenure and Promotion Guidelines for the Department of Native American Studies
Wendy Greyeyes, Ph.D.

Associate Professor
- Tribal Affiliation: Diné
- greyeyes@unm.edu
- 505 277-3917
- Mesa Vista Hall Room 3094, Office Hours: Wednesday 11am-12pm or by appointment
Lloyd L. Lee, Ph.D.

Professor & Department Chair
- Tribal Affiliation: Diné
- triplel@unm.edu
- 505 277-3927
- Mesa Vista Hall Room 3066, Office Hours: Thursday 10am - 12pm or by appointment
- CV: download PDF
Tiffany S. Lee, Ph.D.

Distinguished Professor
- Tribal Affiliation: Diné / Lakota
- tslee@unm.edu
- 505 277-3917
- Currently on Sabbatical.
- CV: download PDF
Maia Rodriguez

Assistant Professor
- Tribal Affiliation: Lipan Apache Tribe of Texas
- maiarodriguez@unm.edu
- 505 277-3917
- Mesa Vista Hall Room 3092, Office Hours by Appointment
Leola Tsinnajinnie, Ph.D.

Associate Professor
- Tribal Affiliation: Diné and Filipino
- leola@unm.edu
- 505 277-3917
- Mesa Vista Hall Room 3090; Available by Appointment
Myla Vicenti Carpio

Associate Professor & Graduate Faculty Director
- mvicentic@unm.edu
- 505 277-3917
- Mesa Vista Hall Room 3090; Office Hours: Monday 1-2:30pm or by appointment