Future and Prospective Students


Welcome and thank you for your interest in the Native American Studies (NAS) undergraduate degree programs. Native American Studies is an interdisciplinary program offering a traditional face-to-face degree program, a 100% Accelarated Online Program (AOP), and an undergraduate minor program. Students with interest in a variety of academic disciplines should consider Native American Studies, especially if you have an interest in working with or for Indigenous people, tribal entities, or tribal-based programs. NAS is a great space to explore issues and challenges of Indigenous peoples and nations both historically and contemporarily.



  • Apply for scholarships
  • Schedule an appointment with the NAS academic advisor through Loboachieve.  Loboachieve connects you to academic advisors who encourage you to engage more deeply in your academic life and are available to provide resources to help you succeed.  View your academic advisor's schedule through Loboachieve.


If you are a current UNM student and want to change your major or minor to Native American Studies, please schedule an appointment with our Student and Graduate Service Coordinator (Kyle Harvey; kyleharvey@unm.edu) through Loboachieve.